Friday, October 17, 2008

astronomical lessons and hope..

knowing that somewhere, far far away, a planet speed dances around a star close enough to orbit it in one day, should provide us all with comfort and a long sighhhhhhhhhh of relief ! this planet has been named WASP-12b, unrelated to the acronym for White Anglos Saxon Protestant, though the announcement was made official by the American Astronomical Society's Division for Planetary Sciences.. what makes this planet a unique survivor is its seemingly fatal attraction to its bright star, making it the hottest planet ever found at over 4000 degrees Farenheit (2200 degrees Celsius)!!! the discovery of such a heavenly body reminds me that its ok to stand close to a burning fire, feel the warmth and absorb its energy !! Lessons abound within nature and the application of universal laws within our own lives, can restore a lost sense of tranquility!! We should praise "change" (not the one that jingles in your pocket) in our lives, no matter how chaotic it may disguise itself as.. we should then imitate the universal "dance steps" observed, allowing ourselves to fully become gratefully PRESENT in the hot brevity of the moment...

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