Tuesday, September 9, 2008

time for my daily dose..

so i happened to have the honour of watching "The Moment of Truth" on Star World the other night...n i really don't wanna comment on the type of questions asked to the poor,unsuspecting married woman there..(no,i don't pity her..:P.. she WANTED it, she insisted)...what sort of thing is that supposed to be?.. y am i supposed to have lie detectors on me n answer questions that i wudnt even speak abt to myself!!...not for money she said...LIAR..!!.. now if i were going to die tomorrow, n really wanted to scr*w up my marriage n wanted to donate all that earned money (assuming i actually earn the money,unlike that poor,unsuspecting soul who lost them..now..probably there she deserves a trifle of my sympathy!!!) to charity in Indonesia, then yes.. it makes perfect sense...
N THEY actually call her ex-bf to ask her those questions,with whom she was allegedly cheating on her hubby sweetest?..now i know,she may have gone through a massive guilt-attack to sign up for a thorough 'wash in the Ganges'... but .. this is CRAZY...! masochistic idiot...question no.1 is.. y did she DO all those mischievious things in d first place?.. or atleast one can be a bit classy abt confessions u know?!?!?!... make that poor thing of a husband seem like a total jackass in the entire world.. bet his friends were watching "the guy n his love" thru their few minutes of fame!!
so..btw.. the ques is directed to d makers of this show...seeking to give the audience some thrills?... may be everyone's just plain bored..like WHAT THRILL was that?.. i really don't wanna know which brand of diapers does ur baby wear.. wht difference to me?!.. of course, there r things n there r takers...n i really wudnt remember wht i just typed here today!!.. we had this show here called "Bluffmaster" ..probably a copy of some other show..but this one over here had a group of equal number of males n females,all small time TV stars, to stand behind boxes n vote on questions..which wud often be like " how many ppl in india/world like to do this n that.." etc etc... didnt feel like somebody's breathing down ur neck..!.. ne way... may be we can atleast encounter all the drama on the show till then!.. (n it wud be sic to know all that's rigged..:P) ..

1 comment:

4thdimension said...

the sad reality about the whole, "let the world see me butt naked so I can feel accomplished and have a little more money in the bank" thing is that it seems to be a panacea to millions of zombie viewers trying to convince themselves, "i'm not tht fuckin nuts after all".. !!! aside from it being thoughtless programming, devoid of all, except artificially produced colored lights aiming to stimulate the visual cortex.. the satisfaction attained by reality television viewers is inversely proportional to the amount of active neurons in areas of higher brain function observed within these viewers.. this of course, is my opinion, based solely on my personal experience which consists of real-life dramatic events that dwarf the content found in reality television.. who freakin needs to live vicariously through egomaniacs with inferiority complexes willing to sell their personal lives for a pat in the back, a million dollars, or who even knows... a potential date with an ex... tv out the window please, but don't forget to record your act of tempestestous expression to be quickly uploaded on youtube for all zombies to see !!!
