Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Friday, September 26, 2008
self rewarding
Monday, September 22, 2008
on experiments and more...
so..to describe my experience in hypnosis--a very brief hypnosis..done by a close friend of mine on me...well, i am aware of quieter states of the mind(done self-hypnosis before),so this was easier on me,to drift off into the hypnotic state...i undertook it twice,first on 19th sept,n the next on 20th sept...curiosity got the better of me!!..the first time was good..with my friend feeling real *kicked* abt the whole scenario,the importance et al..n she set a paper before me,a questionnaire of sorts which had a set of standardised(she said so) questions to determine what kind of personality i have..(i believe the conclusion wasnt right)..but however,she's the boss now now..!!.. so on we went-
-first the setting of the room was changed-windows shut to block out noise,curtains shut to stop the light n the room dimmed with a small yellow light (nightlamp)..
-next,she set a small spot before me,like 10 feet away,to stare at..(yea..JUST LIKE THE MOVIES..haha)
-n..the moment i looked at the thing..mebe i was too ENTHU abt it,i just went off...POOF..!! like that... with weird thoughts carrying me away..n my body totally numb..
-in the background i cud hear my friend directing me...first clear n then vaguely...(i wont include her spoken content here--trademark rights..:P) ...then vaguer,vaguer (is that a word?!?!)...n then till the time that she was asking me things while i was in that state,n it seemed like a person is talking from a great distance...!! i actually cudn't make out what she's saying...it just seemed like someone's there... n then my thoughts carried me away...it literally felt like i'm piggyriding on my thoughts..!!!! that's the *hashish* effect..i guess!!!
-i had thoughts n visions abt weird gadgets..abt my patients...about some buildings...all disjointed... but d best thing was--I KNEW that this was all a hypnotic thing..like,i KNEW during those thoughts,that these are just those--thoughts..it did feel tempting though,to go with them!!
-i came back to my senses-safe n sound...n if ne of u may ask---JUST LIKE MY OWN SWEET SELF!!! but very very very tired.............
the next session:-
-this was a bit more noisy..there was too much noise to be able to block it out...n too much light too... too much noise in the kitchen...but into hypnotic state-i did go!!! (haha,the craze of inversions!)...
-for an entire 5 minutes,i was into it...n this was funnier--i actually felt my heart was in my hands...like,it felt as if my hands are following the pumping action of the heart,but not so jerky...besides,i felt as if the entire rhythm set by my heart was making my body dance!!!..funny,my friend said she saw my right thumb moving rhythmically..n that wasn;t me...i had gotten totally numb..REMEMBER...?!?.. i mean,it wasnt me consciously moving it...
-n this time,i just woke up suddenly,not feeling the dizziness n extreme tiredness i felt the first time...
overall..it was fun--n i plan to tell one n all--THIS IS NOT BLACKMAGIC!!!!
now m just thinking of ways to pay her fees..!!!
Thursday, September 18, 2008
free will or on credit????

the post below was simply beautiful !!! a "stream of consciousness" style reflecting the inner workings of an amazing mind :) my thoughts are fighting amongst each other, struggling for an appropriate response.. what if we have the illusion of control and all this time believed that our destiny was the effect of a random decision disregarding the whole??? ok, so if we believe energy behaves a certain way (laws), from its most basic microscopic form to the macroscopic level.. then, when we take the "whole universe" (spirit and form) into account, choices and decisions, are really based on fixed paths that appeared to be based on "free will".. of course, we are so far from understanding the intricate effects of the entire universe on our daily decisions, that a mere attempt would drive us mad.. thus we remain satisfied with believing that all choices in our lives were under our complete control, when in reality we have picked from a small menu only available to us from our experiences and genetic predisposition (including past life).. do not despair though, our menu options expand daily as we continue growing mentally and emotionally with experience.. i love that!!! "the illusion of control"
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Now..what i really have on my wishlist (apart from other ooh-la-la inspiring stuff) is a digital camera,preferrably one above a 5megapixel..n i know m not aiming real high with that one..all i want it is for satisfying my personal urge of clicking away people,clicking into space,into void...just plain clicking...!! it sort of satisfies some kind of urge i have in me for analysis--usually related to things and ppl i come in contact wid,n rarely to things i don't c a connection with,for example-i wouldnt go check today's paper to try figure out what that woman in the frying-pan ad may have eaten for dinner...!! .. but i guess, it's normal with everyone,people who you know at a more personal level are fun to analyse..it's fun to look at them in different expressions...even a dog who may not have such a variety of facial contortions to choose from is a briefly interesting subject..
Talking about analysing people n things,i think it's also interseting to check out the gait of different people walking on the campus/road..it's kind of fun to guess what may the person's temperament be,if he/she likes to walk in this "jumping-jack" fashion...or would he/she be more tolerant/intolerant about their surroundings by the way they hold their pencils...so,to think of it,what i'm talking about is body language--the reflection of a person's state of mind manifested into his/her actions..it's really interesting..!!! it's also very important to know that one can't really have these "manifestations" observed in other ppl conform to some kind of material u have had 'by-hearted' by rote...it's really a knack...one should be able to go with the flow of the entire person,be able to try n estimate his cultural,social influences..n other stuff he may be subjected to,his ability to understand his surrounding..etc..to be able to estimate the integrity between his/her thoughts n action..
I guess a person's personality is stamped on his every cell in the body...n i think that's the concept behind the use n effectiveness of the yogic principles,when they're applied to therapy...as everyone knows,yogic science describes different types of people categorised into certain types of personalities-n generalisations are made about what are the diseases or pathology that they may be more susceptible too... makes sense to me.. as i happen to c, in most of the different types of science,people are categorised into different temperaments... name it-yoga,astrology...n everytime i mention astrology--i always make it a point to say that "I DON'T BELIEVE IN FUTURE PREDICTIONS"... they're a waste of my time...i think,even if it *may* be written down somewhere, the power still lies in my hands to accept it,follow it or change it...everything really is a two-way thing..!! .. yes, what it *can* do is,probably based on ur temperaments n the probable defects/lack of certain qualities in a person's personality,it can probably predict what pitfalls one could fall in-which is perfectly logical....
also,i tend to believe that a person'a temperament *IS* changeable,it depends on the frequency that the person is on,or level of being..no,actually "level of being" encompasses a wider area, "frequency" is more easily alterable..
n little did i realise the sway of my thoughts from one topic to another..
i just got reminded that i had wanted to state earlier,that i am DYING to put up some pics here,taken by my own amateurish hands...but i'm still waiting--for a digital camera that still lies on my wishlist...:(
p.s.- the "sway" is quite forgiveable,since i just came online t post something on the blog,n not let it run dry of "bunches of meaningless words strewn all over the page.." ..:))))
Saturday, September 13, 2008
Friday, September 12, 2008
Marilyn- thru the eyes of Ayn Rand
Through Your Most Grievous Fault
August 19, 1962 - Los Angeles Times
The death of Marilyn Monroe shocked people, with an impact different from their reaction to the death of any other movie star or public figure. All over the world people felt a peculiar sense of personal involvement and of protest, like a universal cry of "Oh, no!"
They felt that her death had some special significance, almost like a warning which they could not decipher...and they felt a nameless apprehension, the sense that something terribly wrong was involved.
They were right to feel it.
Marilyn Monroe, on the screen, was an image of pure, innocent, childlike joy in living. She projected the sense of a person born and reared in some radiant Utopia, untouched by suffering, unable to conceive of ugliness or evil, facing like with the confidence, the benevolence and the joyous self-flaunting-flaunting of a child or a kitten who is happy to display its own attractiveness as the best gift it can offer the world, and who expects to be admired for it, not hurt.
In real life, Marilyn Monroe's suicide...or worse: a suicide that might have been an accident, suggesting that, to her, the difference did not matter...was a declaration that we live in a world which made it impossible for her kind of spirit, and for the things she represented, to survive.
If there ever was a victim of society, Marilyn Monroe was that victim...of a society that professes dedication to the relief of the suffering, but kills the joyous.
None of the objects of the humanitarians' tender solicitude, the juvenile delinquents, could have had so sordid and horrifying a childhood as did Marilyn Monroe.
To survive it and to preserve the kind of spirit she projected on the screen...the radiantly benevolent sense of life, which cannot be faked...was an almost inconceivable psychological achievement that required a heroism of the highest order. Whatever scars her past had left were insignificant by comparison.
She preserved her vision of life through a nightmare struggle, fighting her way to the top. What broke her was the discovery, at the top, of as sordid an evil as the one she had left behind...worse, perhaps, because incomprehensible. She had expected to reach the sunlight; she found, instead, a limitless swamp of malice.
It was a malice of a very special kind. If you want to see her groping struggle to understand it, read the magnificent article in a recent issue of Life magazine. It is not actually an article, it is a verbatim transcript of her own words...and the most tragically revealing document published in many years. It is a cry for help, which came too late to be answered.
"When you're famous, you kind of run into human nature in a raw kind of way," she said. "It stirs up envy, fame does. People you run into feel that, well, who is she...who does she think she is, Marilyn Monroe? They feel fame gives them some kind of privilege to walk up to you and say anything to you, you know, of any kind of nature...and it won't hurt your feelings...like it's happening to you clothing...I don't understand why people aren't a little more generous with each other. I don't like to say this, but I'm afraid there is a lot of envy in this business."
"Envy" is the only name she could find for the monstrous thing she faced, but it was much worse than envy: it was the profound hatred of life, of success and of all human values, felt by a certain kind of mediocrity...the kind who feels pleasure on hearing about a stranger's misfortune. It was hatred of the good for being the good...hatred of ability, of beauty, of honesty, of earnestness, of achievement and, above all, of human joy.
Read the Life article to see how it worked and what it did to her.
An eager child, who was rebuked for her eagerness..."Sometimes the (foster) families used to worry because I used to laugh so loud and so gay; I guess they felt it was hysterical."
A spectacularly successful star, whose employers kept repeating: "Remember you're not a star," in a determined effort, apparently not to let her discover her own importance.
A brilliantly talented actress, who was told by the alleged authorities, by Hollywood, by the press, that she could not act.
An actress, dedicated to her art with passionate earnestness..,"When I was 5...I think that's when I started wanting to be an actress...I loved to play. I didn't like the world around me because it was kind of grim...but I loved to play house and it was like you could make your own boundaries"...who went through hell to make her own boundaries, to offer people the sunlit universe of her own vision..."It's almost having certain kinds of secrets for a moment, when you're acting"...but who was ridiculed for her desire to play serious parts.
A woman, the only one, who was able to project the glowingly innocent sexuality of a being from some planet uncorrupted by guilt...who found herself regarded and ballyhooed as a vulgar symbol of obscenity...and who still had the courage to declare: "We are all born sexual creatures, thank God, but it's a pity so many people despise and crush this natural gift."
A happy child who was offering her achievement to the world, with the pride of an authentic greatness and of a kitten depositing a hunting trophy at your feet...who found herself answered by concerted efforts to negate, to degrade, to ridicule, to insult, to destroy her achievement...who was unable to conceive that it was her best she was punished for, not her worst...who could only sense, in helpless terror, that she was facing some unspeakable kind of evil.
How long do you think a human being could stand it?
That hatred of values has always existed in some people, in any age or culture. But a hundred years ago, the would have been expected to hide it. Today, it is all around us; it is the style and fashion of our century.
Where would a sinking spirit find relief from it?
The evil of a cultural atmosphere is made by all those who share it. Anyone who has ever felt resentment against the good for being the good and has given voice to it, is the murderer of Marilyn Monroe.
More on art.
each line speaks of the artist's inner soul....where is that soul today????(a copy of a copy, a copy of a concept,a copy of a style), a new age style induced by distortions/drugs/inner devils....states conveyed very aptly by some artists, do they instill a sense of aesthetics which was what art was set to achieve in the first place?
i actually read abt celebs calling in art curators/dealers to advise them where to buy,what to buy/invest..whereas..they don't really have these probs buying ice cream cones or property..!!soooo... WHERE'S UR PERSONAL TASTE,man? n never pray for artists' long life... n if ne one sings a song out of tune or makes burnt pancakes,they're not gonna get paid..but it works the other way 'round in art... the worse/more grotesque/distorted,the more ur paid for the damn things...m not being very stiff,but there's a limit to what u can stretch people's sensitivity to...n sensibility too...!!
off the cuff.......

we are reminded today of our innocence and frailty.. how by the minds of few and without comprehension of the truth, destiny is altered pushing us into greater consciousness of who we choose to be and how we wish to get there.. we are reminded of the ego's fear for extinction, our own internal battles for illusory recognition, and the towers we are willing to sacrifice for our meaningless cry.. i choose a mandala to remind me that behind the embers of chaos and fear, a peaceful truth infinitely awaits, the permanent fabric on which all illusions eventually settle.. to a tranquil rest.. i am reminded today, that as the smoke clears, i awaken to a new vision, a clear realization, a need to forgive the battles within and the wars outside..
Thursday, September 11, 2008
nokia concept phone
in my continuous search for all that causes the wow ( :o)!!!) sensation within me, i happen to stumble upon a seemingly 'out of this world' concept phone which sports all of the unique features of nanotechnology! straight out of sci-fi films such as Blade Runner, Minority Report, as well as 'future is coming' books and 'zines i fascinated over as a child, this phone begins to 'ring in a truth' i would have skeptically dismissed when younger.. hopefully in my next life I can be wearing one of these suckers sitting in an outdoor cafe for six hours staring at an apple (the fruit) !!! i can just imagine two of these nano phones becoming close friends and wanting to bend together in unusual positions to share each other's energy and knowledge.. just make sure you keep your phone's nano lawn properly trimmed before leavin home to the outdoor cafe!!! for now, i remain proud of my antique touchscreen t-mobile phone with its fingertip oil streaks, chocolate stains, and lingering cigarette stench from my past smoking days... a self cleaning phone before a self-cleaning bathtub?? somebody has their inventions twisted!! jajaja
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
The Merry Prankster's Further Bus..
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
time for my daily dose..
N THEY actually call her ex-bf to ask her those questions,with whom she was allegedly cheating on her hubby sweetest?..now i know,she may have gone through a massive guilt-attack to sign up for a thorough 'wash in the Ganges'... but .. this is CRAZY...! masochistic idiot...question no.1 is.. y did she DO all those mischievious things in d first place?.. or atleast one can be a bit classy abt confessions u know?!?!?!... make that poor thing of a husband seem like a total jackass in the entire world.. bet his friends were watching "the guy n his love" thru their few minutes of fame!!
so..btw.. the ques is directed to d makers of this show...seeking to give the audience some thrills?... may be everyone's just plain bored..like WHAT THRILL was that?.. i really don't wanna know which brand of diapers does ur baby wear.. wht difference to me?!.. of course, there r things n there r takers...n i really wudnt remember wht i just typed here today!!.. we had this show here called "Bluffmaster" ..probably a copy of some other show..but this one over here had a group of equal number of males n females,all small time TV stars, to stand behind boxes n vote on questions..which wud often be like " how many ppl in india/world like to do this n that.." etc etc... didnt feel like somebody's breathing down ur neck..!.. ne way... may be we can atleast encounter all the drama on the show till then!.. (n it wud be sic to know all that's rigged..:P) ..
United States Petitions Cuba to Allow American Aid
read more digg story
Monday, September 8, 2008
Sunday, September 7, 2008
voila..!! y est m'arriveee..!!
but,u know what's d best part??!..it actually doesnt make a difference, becoz, in total selfish style,i m writing for myself---to sort out this confused,non-progressive head absorbing information from all directions, n not really knowing what to do with it.. n now, with some amount of finger diarrhoea,i actually found the best utility for meaningless bits n pieces of information..they an actually find a way into other ppl's heads n create havoc there n thus complete my revenge with the world.. muhahahaha... revenge for..umm..ppl creating so many stupid copies of themselves.. that's also another kind of revenge..ha!..so i plan to create a clone of myself n complete the revenge.. another MUHAHAHAHA...!! don;t tell me i didnt warn u before u read my nonsense.. my sister reading this here makes an extremely pathetic face...(lol..i know where i stand!) n i actually just found a draft for a preface of my individual blog..tata..!!
welcome facebookers !!!
Saturday, September 6, 2008
)) milagros ((
- Main Entry:
- mir·a·cle
- Pronunciation:
- \ˈmir-i-kəl\
- Function:
- noun
- Etymology:
- Middle English, from Anglo-French, from Late Latin miraculum, from Latin, a wonder, marvel, from mirari to wonder at
- Date:
- 12th century
2: an extremely outstanding or unusual event, thing, or accomplishment
3Christian Science : a divinely natural phenomenon experienced humanly as the fulfillment of spiritual law
resulting from preconceived ideas of what 'miracles' are, their manifestation, and their dimensions, we lose sight of the everyday magic that as 'creatures of habit', often take for granted !!!
evidenced in my own life and witnessed in that of others, a mere transformation of thought (perception), followed by behavior, is sufficient enough to be hailed as nothing less than miraculous !!!
the idea that neural paths can be re-wired from firmly established networks to weak and vulnerable paths through reward processes beyond our understanding is proof that our limited scientific tools for observation fail .. bringing the light of awareness to our thought processes is a necessary beginning for the invisible transformative power of change to take effect.. regardless of the permanence and depth of established neural patterns!!!
this is the miracle : as we effectuate growth within us, so then our material realities follow... the divine gently touches and embraces emanations from our shift in consiousness!! so much has been written about this that i am most likely "preaching to the choir".. but it remains my experience that seeking the Truth requires repetition and practice.. hence within the word Spiritual, not-so-secretly hides the word 'ritual'..
opinions and experiences are welcomed :) ......................
Y-Ikes !!!
babies as punishment ???
Blog Archive
- 777
- self rewarding
- on experiments and more...
- free will or on credit????
- observations...random
- between here and then
- Marilyn- thru the eyes of Ayn Rand
- More on art.
- Art-i-farts..:P
- off the cuff.......
- reflection..
- Froggie
- nokia concept phone
- The Merry Prankster's Further Bus..
- Pakistani truck, as requested...
- time for my daily dose..
- ah.. n of d many wonders of the world..
- she has my vote and full hearted support...
- United States Petitions Cuba to Allow American Aid
- careful God.. very hot !!!
- voila..!! y est m'arriveee..!!
- welcome facebookers !!!
- )) milagros ((
- Y-Ikes !!!
- Hands of the Nephelae
- babies as punishment ???